folly:Future, onTimeout(), and a race condition
18 Jan 2019TL;DR. The inability to cancel threads in C++ can result in bizarre semantics even in seemingly straightforward (and almost) declarative code. folly::Future is an interesting case in point.
Folly Futures is an Async C++ framework from Facebook. It has an interesting function onTimeout(), which essentially allows to stop waiting on a Future forever. So you would typically use it as follows.
provider_.getOperationFuture(Request r)
.then([&](Response response) {
doFoo(); // Accesses variables in the surrounding scope
.onTimeout(milliseconds(500), [&]{
doBar(); // Accesses variables in the surrounding scope
The semantics that I expected from this piece of code was the following:
if there is no response within 500 milliseconds, then
the future throws a timeout, thus executing doBar()
the future executes the then() block, thus executing doFoo(
Importantly, I was expecting exactly one of the two function doFoo() or doBar() to be executed. And it turns out not be true!
Race Condition
It turns out that the Future has a background thread running waiting for the response, and this thread is not cancelled upon timeout because:
- This thread is spawned first, and that in-turn waits on the timeout, and
- C++ does not support canceling threads.
So, we now have a race condition between the Future's response and timeout, thus potentially causing memory overruns and segfaults. How do you get around this? How do you use folly::Future with the semantics I outlined above?
I found two possible ways for this.
Swap onTimeout() and then()
provider_.getOperationFuture(Request r)
.onTimeout(milliseconds(500), [&]{
doBar(); // Accesses variables in the surrounding scope
return Response::onTimeout();
.then([&](Response response) {
if (response == Response::onTimeout()) {
doFoo(); // Accesses variables in the surrounding scope
Essentially, you force the onTimeout block to return a special instance of the Reponse object (called Response::onTimeout() here), this then becomes the input to the then block, and within the then block you can check if the response is valid and proceed accordingly. Yes, I know it's ugly. Worse, what if the Response object is complex enough that you cannot simply build a special instance of it? Or what if every possible instance of the Response object is potentially valid? Then you can go for the next remedy.
Open up onTimeout()
It is useful to remember that onTimeout() is just syntactic sugar for the following.
provider_.getOperationFuture(Request r)
.onError([](const TimedOut& e){
return Response::onTimeout();
So, you can use this to refactor your code to look something like this:
provider_.getOperationFuture(Request r)
.then([&](Response response) {
doFoo(); // Accesses variables in the surrounding scope
.onError([&](const folly::Timeout& ){
doBar(); // Accesses variables in the surrounding scope
This essentially, raises an exception after 500 milliseconds of no response, and that exception ensures that the then block is never executed! So, yeah, folly::Future can be tricky.